How to Check Whether the User Uploaded the Fie Using Input Fild

HTML5 has brought lots of tools and methods to create web apps that work fast like desktop apps with no folio reload. For example, WebSocket lets developers organize bidirectional real-fourth dimension communication between a customer and server to grab events and update states with no traditional requests and responses that have time to refresh the webpage. <audio> lets you play sound files in your browser and command them via Javascript API, and <video> does the same thing with videos. (When that became possible, it became very popular to have a video groundwork on a website.)

Another important thing that HTML5 brought to the table was advanced file uploading and Javascript API to work with files. In this article, we're going to brand a DIY HTML5 file uploader and compare information technology to a ready-made HTML5 solution.

DIY File Uploader Objectives

The goal hither is not to create a feature-rich, 100% bulletproof file uploader. Instead, we're going to develop a basic uploader and so run across how we can extend it. Hither'south what nosotros're going to do:

HTML5 File Uploader
HTML5 File Uploader with a progress bar, dynamic file name brandish and a drag-and-drop section.

Developing the Core Functionality

First things first: permit's make up one's mind the minimal requirements for our file uploader. There are lots of things yous can practice with modern HTML and JS, merely hither are the two priorities for us:

  • Let the user select a file from their file organisation.
  • Implement file uploading and saving files on the server.

Creating a template

Using <input type="file"> allows the user to select a file from their file arrangement on the front end. We're going to utilize this input type, too as a push to asynchronously upload files. Let'due south kickoff with the following equally a template:

                                          <!                DOCTYPE                html                >                                                              <html                >                                                              <head                >                                                              <style                >                                                              html                  {                  font-family unit                  :                  sans-serif;                  }                                                                              </style                >                                                              </head                >                                                              <trunk                >                                                              <h2                >              DIY HTML5 File Uploader                                  </h2                >                                                              <input                type                                  =                  "file"                                proper noun                                  =                  "file_to_upload"                                id                                  =                  "file_to_upload"                                >                                                              <hr                >                                                              <input                type                                  =                  "button"                                value                                  =                  "Upload To Server"                                id                                  =                  "upload_file_button"                                >                                                              </trunk                >                                                              </html                >                                    

Equally a outcome, the browser will render simply a simple interface with almost no styling (except the font, which is my personal preference). Here's the output:

HTML5 uploader interface
But two control elements for at present, but sufficient to do basic uploading.

Preparing a file for uploading

Since we're working not with a regular form that sends data to a server via a Submit push button, we need to extract the file from the field and send it manually later on. For this tutorial, I decided to shop the file information in window. Permit's add together this lawmaking before the endmost </body> tag:

                                                            <script                >                                                              certificate.                  getElementById                  (                  'file_to_upload'                  )                  .                  addEventListener                  (                  'change'                  ,                  (                  issue                  )                  =>                  {                  window.selectedFile                  =        [                  0                  ]                  ;                  }                  )                  ;                  document.                  getElementById                  (                  'upload_file_button'                  )                  .                  addEventListener                  (                  'click'                  ,                  (                  event                  )                  =>                  {                  uploadFile                  (window.selectedFile)                  ;                  }                  )                  ;                                                                              </script                >                                    

In one case the value of file_to_upload is changed (meaning that the user has selected a file), we call up the file and store it in window.selectedFile for farther manipulations from other functions.

In plough, when the upload_file_button is clicked, we send the file to the function that will upload the file to a server.

Uploading the file to a server

As I mentioned earlier, we aren't sending the course in the fashion the browser does by default. Instead, we're going to add together the file to a FormData object and then send it to a server using expert old XMLHttpRequest. This is beingness washed in the uploadFile function that I mentioned in the previous pace. Hither'due south the code. Add together it before the endmost </script> tag:

                          function              uploadFile              (              file              )              {              var              formData              =              new              FormData              (              )              ;              formData.              append              (              'file_to_upload'              ,              file)              ;              var              ajax              =              new              XMLHttpRequest              (              )              ;              ajax.              open              (              'POST'              ,              'uploader.php'              )              ;              ajax.              send              (formData)              ;              }                      

The function receives a file as an argument, adds information technology to the formData object, and sends information technology to uploader.php via AJAX. Speaking of PHP, let'due south enter the back-end territory.

Processing a file on the backend using PHP

                                          <?php                $file_name                =                $_FILES                [                "file_to_upload"                ]                [                "name"                ]                ;                $file_temp_location                =                $_FILES                [                "file_to_upload"                ]                [                "tmp_name"                ]                ;                if                (                !                $file_temp_location                )                {                echo                "ERROR: No file has been selected"                ;                exit                (                )                ;                }                if                (                move_uploaded_file                (                $file_temp_location                ,                "uploads/                    $file_name                  "                )                )                {                echo                "                    $file_name                                    upload is complete"                ;                }                else                {                repeat                "A server was unable to move the file"                ;                }                ?>                                    

Above, you tin can encounter a little PHP script that:

  1. Gets all the necessary file information, such as the client'south filename and the temporary location one time the file has been received by the server;
  2. Checks if the file has actually been selected (i.due east., the respective variable is not empty);
  3. Moves the file to a folder nosotros ascertain (in this instance, "uploads").

Testing basic file uploading

Permit'due south select a file from the file system using the Choose File input field and then click the Upload To Server button. If you do this with your DevTools Network tab open, you'll see a Mail request that actually sends binary file information to the server. I selected an image from my figurer and hither'due south how it looks:

POST request with binary file data
A network request with the file tracked down using DevTools.

To see if the file reached its destination on the server, allow'south merely check what's inside our uploads/ folder:

A folder with an image inside
The file has been uploaded with the same name.

Defining Accepted File Types

Say you lot're building a form that has a file uploader that uploads screenshots of a detail app. A good practice is to narrow down the set of possible file types to images merely. Let'due south use the most common ones: JPEG and PNG. To practice this on the front end, you tin can add an accept aspect to the file input:

                                                            <input                blazon                                  =                  "file"                                name                                  =                  "file_to_upload"                                id                                  =                  "file_to_upload"                                accept                                  =                  ".jpg, .png"                                >                                    

This will modify the system file selection dialog window to let the user to select only the file types that you lot put into the attribute. On Windows, y'all tin can encounter this in the bottom right of the window after clicking the Choose file button:

Windows file upload window
File extensions shouldn't e'er be grouped by a file content type. You can also put other extensions there, such as audio and video.

While it is pretty easy to do on the front stop, I'd recommend you take it seriously when implementing back-end file type filtering for a production-ready solution.

Progress Bar and Displaying the File Proper name

Our DIY uploader works, but it is lacking some verbosity. When uploading a larger file, no response might be misleading, then the user may shut the folio before the upload is complete. To meliorate the experience with our uploader, let's add together a progress bar and progress per centum, and display the file name as a bonus: we will need it later anyway.

Adding new HTML code

Starting with HTML, put the following lines of code merely above our Upload to Server button:

                                                            <p                id                                  =                  "file_name"                                >                                                              </p                >                                                              <progress                id                                  =                  "progress_bar"                                value                                  =                  "0"                                max                                  =                  "100"                                                  fashion                                      =                    "                                          width                      :400px;                                        "                                                  >                                                              </progress                >                                                              <p                id                                  =                  "progress_status"                                >                                                              </p                >                                    
  • file_name will display the file proper noun
  • progress_bar is an HTML5 tag that will brandish the uploading progress visually
  • progress_status is used to add a text description to the progress bar

At present that we have the new elements prepare, let's demark JS to them from superlative to bottom.

Displaying the file name in a split element

We need to display the file name in the actual file transfer panel. To do this, extend our file_to_upload result listener with one string to brand it expect like this:

                          document.              getElementById              (              'file_to_upload'              )              .              addEventListener              (              'change'              ,              (              event              )              =>              {              window.selectedFile              =    [              0              ]              ;              document.              getElementById              (              'file_name'              )              .innerHTML              =    ;              }              )              ;                      

Monitoring file upload progress

Next, we demand to start monitoring the file uploading progress. This will require u.s.a. to have our XMLHttpRequest() object initialized. So, insert a new line into the uploadFile function adding a new issue listener, like the post-obit:

                          function              uploadFile              (              file              )              {              var              formData              =              new              FormData              (              )              ;              formData.              append              (              'file_to_upload'              ,              file)              ;              var              ajax              =              new              XMLHttpRequest              (              )              ;              ajax.upload.              addEventListener              (              "progress"              ,              progressHandler,              false              )              ;              ajax.              open              (              'Post'              ,              'uploader.php'              )              ;              ajax.              send              (formData)              ;              }                      

Now that we've mentioned the progressHandler function in the listener, let's create it:

                          office              progressHandler              (              event              )              {              var              percent              =              (upshot.loaded              /                  *              100              ;              document.              getElementById              (              "progress_bar"              )              .value              =              Math.              round              (per centum)              ;              document.              getElementById              (              "progress_status"              )              .innerHTML              =              Math.              round              (percent)              +              "% uploaded"              ;              }                      

This part calculates the actual percentage. After that, the value is assigned to both the progress bar and the progress status elements.

Testing file uploading status

With help of DevTools (I used it to throttle my local installation), let's select a file again and run into how the uploading process looks now:

HTML5 File Uploader with a progress bar
Caught the progress bar on its way to 100%.

Creating a Drag and Drop Region

Since the release of HTML5, people take been using Drag and Drop functionality extensively, especially for uploading files. This way, you tin can elevate a file into a certain region on a webpage and accept the file processed. Let's implement it as the final feature of our DIY HTML5 file uploader.

HTML for the Drag and Driblet region

Technically, it's possible to put the region anywhere on the page, but I found it intuitive to identify it correct under the classic upload field. Put the following code below the regular file selector and above <hr>:

                                                            <h3                >              Drag & Driblet a File                                  </h3                >                                                              <div                id                                  =                  "drop_zone"                                >                            Driblet Hither                                                </div                >                                    

Styling the region

Permit's have a 400px square with centered text inside. To do that, put the following code just before the endmost </way> tag:

                          div#drop_zone              {              height              :              400px;              width              :              400px;              border              :              2px dotted black;              display              :              flex;              justify-content              :              centre;              flex-direction              :              cavalcade;              align-items              :              center;              font-family unit              :              monospace;              }                      

Now that nosotros have the HTML and CSS prepare, allow's accept a expect at the result:

An HTML5 File Uploader with Drag and Drop
We've divers an surface area to elevate files into.

Coding Drag and Drop functionality

Our goal here is to monitor dragging and dropping events, extract the information and connect it to our window.selectedFile medium from the outset step. Add this code to the <script> and find the detailed description in the code comments:

                          const              dropZone              =              certificate.              getElementById              (              'drop_zone'              )              ;              //Getting our drib zone by ID              if              (window.FileList              &&              window.File)              {              dropZone.              addEventListener              (              'dragover'              ,              event              =>              {              issue.              stopPropagation              (              )              ;              event.              preventDefault              (              )              ;              event.dataTransfer.dropEffect              =              'copy'              ;              //Adding a visual hint that the file is being copied to the window              }              )              ;              dropZone.              addEventListener              (              'drop'              ,              event              =>              {              upshot.              stopPropagation              (              )              ;              event.              preventDefault              (              )              ;              const              files              =              event.dataTransfer.files;              //Accessing the files that are existence dropped to the window              window.selectedFile              =              files[              0              ]              ;              //Getting the file from uploaded files list (only one file in our case)              document.              getElementById              (              'file_name'              )              .innerHTML              =    ;              //Assigning the name of file to our "file_name" element              }              )              ;              }                      

Testing Elevate and Drop uploads

The key goal of this functionality is to assign a file for the upload. After that, everything should go the same way as it does with the usual file selection field. Let's drag a file into the region, see if the proper name appears, and upload information technology to the server:

HTML5 Drag and Drop file uploader
The file that I dragged into the region is beingness uploaded. Notice how the file proper name has been set, even though the "Cull File" is still empty.

Full code

At this step, we tin can consider our prototype ready. Hither'southward the total code:

                                          <!                DOCTYPE                html                >                                                              <html                >                                                              <caput                >                                                              <style                >                                                              html                  {                  font-family                  :                  sans-serif;                  }                  div#drop_zone                  {                  height                  :                  400px;                  width                  :                  400px;                  border                  :                  2px dotted black;                  brandish                  :                  flex;                  justify-content                  :                  center;                  flex-direction                  :                  column;                  align-items                  :                  centre;                  font-family                  :                  monospace;                  }                                                                              </style                >                                                              </head                >                                                              <body                >                                                              <h2                >              DIY HTML5 File Uploader                                  </h2                >                                                              <input                type                                  =                  "file"                                name                                  =                  "file_to_upload"                                id                                  =                  "file_to_upload"                                have                                  =                  ".jpg, .png"                                >                                                              <h3                >              Drag & Drop a File                                  </h3                >                                                              <div                id                                  =                  "drop_zone"                                >                            Drop HERE                                                </div                >                                                              <hr                >                                                              <p                id                                  =                  "file_name"                                >                                                              </p                >                                                              <progress                id                                  =                  "progress_bar"                                value                                  =                  "0"                                max                                  =                  "100"                                                  mode                                      =                    "                                          width                      :400px;                                        "                                                  >                                                              </progress                >                                                              <p                id                                  =                  "progress_status"                                >                                                              </p                >                                                              <input                type                                  =                  "button"                                value                                  =                  "Upload To Server"                                id                                  =                  "upload_file_button"                                >                                                              <script                >                                                              document.                  getElementById                  (                  'file_to_upload'                  )                  .                  addEventListener                  (                  'change'                  ,                  (                  result                  )                  =>                  {                  window.selectedFile                  =        [                  0                  ]                  ;                  document.                  getElementById                  (                  'file_name'                  )                  .innerHTML                  =                  window.selectedFile.proper noun;                  }                  )                  ;                  document.                  getElementById                  (                  'upload_file_button'                  )                  .                  addEventListener                  (                  'click'                  ,                  (                  consequence                  )                  =>                  {                  uploadFile                  (window.selectedFile)                  ;                  }                  )                  ;                  const                  dropZone                  =                  document.                  getElementById                  (                  'drop_zone'                  )                  ;                  //Getting our drib zone by ID                  if                  (window.FileList                  &&                  window.File)                  {                  dropZone.                  addEventListener                  (                  'dragover'                  ,                  effect                  =>                  {                  outcome.                  stopPropagation                  (                  )                  ;                  event.                  preventDefault                  (                  )                  ;                  event.dataTransfer.dropEffect                  =                  'copy'                  ;                  //Adding a visual hint that the file is being copied to the window                  }                  )                  ;                  dropZone.                  addEventListener                  (                  'drop'                  ,                  result                  =>                  {                  event.                  stopPropagation                  (                  )                  ;                  event.                  preventDefault                  (                  )                  ;                  const                  files                  =                  event.dataTransfer.files;                  //Accessing the files that are beingness dropped to the window                  window.selectedFile                  =                  files[                  0                  ]                  ;                  //Getting the file from uploaded files list (simply one file in our case)                  document.                  getElementById                  (                  'file_name'                  )                  .innerHTML                  =                  window.selectedFile.proper name;                  //Assigning the name of file to our "file_name" element                  }                  )                  ;                  }                  function                  uploadFile                  (                  file                  )                  {                  var                  formData                  =                  new                  FormData                  (                  )                  ;                  formData.                  append                  (                  'file_to_upload'                  ,                  file)                  ;                  var                  ajax                  =                  new                  XMLHttpRequest                  (                  )                  ;                  ajax.upload.                  addEventListener                  (                  "progress"                  ,                  progressHandler,                  imitation                  )                  ;                  ajax.                  open                  (                  'Mail'                  ,                  'uploader.php'                  )                  ;                  ajax.                  send                  (formData)                  ;                  }                  function                  progressHandler                  (                  event                  )                  {                  var                  percent                  =                  (consequence.loaded                  /                          *                  100                  ;                  document.                  getElementById                  (                  "progress_bar"                  )                  .value                  =                  Math.                  round                  (percent)                  ;                  document.                  getElementById                  (                  "progress_status"                  )                  .innerHTML                  =                  Math.                  round                  (pct)                  +                  "% uploaded"                  ;                  }                                                                              </script                >                                                              </body                >                                                              </html                >                                    

Should I Consider Using a Prepare-Made File Uploader?

It depends on what you already accept and how much fourth dimension and effort—or coin in case you've hired a team—you lot're willing to invest into making the uploader. The solution we've adult in the previous chapter works, simply while getting it ready for a production release, you may stumble upon the following pitfalls, among others:

  • Infrastructure: How many users are going to upload files simultaneously? How much storage space is needed? What virtually setting up a CDN for mirroring uploaded files for dissimilar locations?
  • UI/UX: I hope information technology was fairly easy to sympathise how to piece of work with the uploader during the caption, however it is important to have a user-friendly uploader, even for non-tech-savvy people. And what if a new feature you're planning conflicts with the pattern you lot already accept?
  • Browser support: While many people tend to update software, others may stick to older browsers that may not support the full potential of what modern engineering has to offer.
  • Security: Uploading user-generated content has potential risks. We can't be 100% sure what's inside a file at offset glance, fifty-fifty if it appears to exist an prototype.

Uploadcare is a fast and secure end-to-terminate file platform. The company has taken care of all the pitfalls I mentioned to a higher place (and more), and developed File Uploader. Information technology was made with developers in listen, which means you can set it upwardly and integrate with more than 35 platforms in minutes. Plus, you lot don't have to worry virtually maintenance or back up.

There are also even more than powerful features that information technology offers (such as editing images on the fly and more than). Cheque out the production folio to run into everything.

Without further ado, permit's see Uploadcare's File Uploader in action and recreate our uploader's functionality.

Using Uploadcare'southward File Uploader to Recreate Our Existing One


To follow the tutorial below, you will need to have an Uploadcare account. The free business relationship will embrace our needs just fine; you tin sign upward here.

Besides, y'all will need to obtain your Public Key in the Dashboard.


The File Uploader widget comes in the form of a tiny JavaScript library that you lot need to embed into your project. We'll become with a CDN installation. Include the post-obit code into the <caput> of your folio:

                                                            <script                >                                                              UPLOADCARE_PUBLIC_KEY                  =                  'demopublickey'                  ;                                                                              </script                >                                                              <script                src                                  =                  ""                                charset                                  =                  "utf-8"                                >                                                                            </script                >                                    

Don't forget to replace demopublickey with your actual Public API key. Later that, put the following code into the <body> tag:

                                                            <input                type                                  =                  "subconscious"                                role                                  =                  "uploadcare-uploader"                                proper noun                                  =                  "my_file"                                />                                    

Hither'south the whole lawmaking:

                                          <!                DOCTYPE                html                >                                                              <html                lang                                  =                  "en"                                >                                                              <head                >                                                              <meta                charset                                  =                  "UTF-viii"                                >                                                              <meta                http-equiv                                  =                  "X-UA-Uniform"                                content                                  =                  "IE=edge"                                >                                                              <meta                proper noun                                  =                  "viewport"                                content                                  =                  "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"                                >                                                              <title                >              Uploadcare File Uploader                                  </title                >                                                              <script                >                                                              UPLOADCARE_PUBLIC_KEY                  =                  'demopublickey'                  ;                                                                              </script                >                                                              <script                src                                  =                  ""                                charset                                  =                  "utf-8"                                >                                                                            </script                >                                                              </head                >                                                              <body                >                                                              <input                blazon                                  =                  "hidden"                                role                                  =                  "uploadcare-uploader"                                name                                  =                  "my_file"                                />                                                              </body                >                                                              </html                >                                    

Equally a result, a custom Cull a file button will announced on the page leading to the upload dialog when clicked:

Uploadcare File Upload widget
The File Uploader widget with a clean UI and many uploading sources.

Back end

In that location is no need to attach custom back-stop file handlers when using Uploadcare. Uploaded files are transferred into your projection's storage, and you can reference them past unique ID (UUID) afterwards.

Accepted file types

The File Uploader allows you to restrict uploading certain file types. You can fix upwardly a custom message if users try to upload, let'southward say, an *.sh file instead of an epitome.

When creating our DIY uploader, we added an attribute correct within the HTML. Uploadcare's widget works in a dissimilar and more flexible style.

When a file is uploaded, it goes through validators that take been assigned to the widget. You tin can retrieve of these as filters. Some of them are already predefined, and you lot tin create custom ones along the way.

To limit the accustomed file types, first we need to define a bulletin that users volition see if they upload a wrong type. Exercise this by defining a new abiding correct beneath the API key:

                          UPLOADCARE_LOCALE_TRANSLATIONS              =              {              // messages for widget              errors              :              {              fileType              :              'This type of file is non allowed.'              }              ,              // messages for dialog'southward fault page              dialog              :              {              tabs              :              {              preview              :              {              error              :              {              fileType              :              {              title              :              'Invalid file type.'              ,              text              :              'This type of file is not immune.'              ,              back              :              'Dorsum'              ,              }              ,              }              ,              }              ,              }              ,              }              ,              }                      

The text letters higher up volition exist used when trying to upload a incorrect file type.

Now, let'southward add together a validator to monitor the file extension. Here's the code you lot need to add earlier closing the </trunk> tag, comments included:

                                                            <script                >                                                              var                  widget                  =                  uploadcare.                  Widget                  (                  '[function="uploadcare-uploader"]'                  )                  ;                  //Getting the widget                  widget.validators.                  push                  (                  part                  (                  fileInfo                  )                  {                  //Assigning a new validator                  types                  =                  [                  "JPEG"                  ,                  "JPG"                  ,                  "PNG"                  ,                  "GIF"                  ]                  //Defining allowed file types                  if                  (                  ===                  naught                  )                  {                  render                  ;                  }                  var                  extension                  =                          dissever                  (                  '.'                  )                  .                  pop                  (                  )                  .                  toUpperCase                  (                  )                  ;                  //Getting file extension                  if                  (types.                  indexOf                  (extension)                  ==                  -                  one                  )                  {                  throw                  new                  Mistake                  (                  'fileType'                  )                  //If the extension is not establish in a pre-divers listing, throwing a new error with text that we defined in the <head> section                  }                  }                  )                  ;                                                                              </script                >                                    

Here I tried to upload an *.exe file and here'due south what happened:

Uploadcare File Upload Widget displaying custom message
Both inline and modal are saying the custom text is now reacting via the custom validator.

You can create/re-use dissimilar validators, such as file size, etc.

Drag and Drop, Upload Progress, File Proper noun

All these features are basic features of Uploadcare File Uploader, so there's no need to develop any of them. Notwithstanding, y'all can customize the File Uploader's await and behavior to suit your needs.

Bottom Line

The modern Web offers a wider-than-ever range of possibilities! In this article, we created a unproblematic file uploader using some HTML5 features to demonstrate the concept.

Uploadcare, on the other hand, provides an integration-ready and mod file uploading solution for developers, then you don't need to reinvent the bike and spend resources creating your own DIY file uploader.


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