What to Do if Someone Kisses Your Baby

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Someone Kissed My Baby!!

So I'm at this convention with my soon to be 2 month old, and my mom's friend's uncle picked up my baby and kissed her on her cheeks!! I freaked out grabbed my baby and ran her to the bathroom where I put hand sanitizer on tissue and rubbed her cheeks then I took antibacterial soap from the bathroom to wash her face then went to my hotel room and proceeded to use my Dove wipes on her cheeks!

I heard of a baby passing away after being kissed by someone with herpes!

I am so freaked out scared angry and pissed it's taking so much out of me not to curse this man out. How dare he pick up a baby he barely knows and kiss her!! I had no clue he would be dumb enough to kiss her! it all happened so fast and im just so scared!

I don't know if he's sick has a disease nothing!

I'm not sure what to do!! I'm to the point that I want to ask him if he's sick or anything! My anxiety is through the roof right now I'm so worried :(


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I'm sure everything will be fine!!!

I think you might be overreacting just a little. I'm sure the baby is fine and he didn't mean any harm


wow I'm sorry I would be pissed too! I don't let family who have been around sick people in the last week or two kids get or touch her hand
on the flip side don't let this drive you crazy just keep an eye on your baby and if she at any point seem to be getting a cold take her in.
she should be fine though.



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I have a thin bug netting I leave over my baby's car seat/carrier or in the stroller to avoid this very thing when we're at stores or public places- at least while she's super still super young.

All these people say ur overreacting are annoying. It's very serious issue and a lot of babies have died from people kissing them when they had cold sores or whatever else. Pat on the back for being so quick to disinfect her. Yesterday at the fair this old couple came up to my babies stroller as I was trying to talk to a salesperson and the man leaned all the way in to the stroller as if to kiss him. Just random ass people. I flipped out on both of them and even tho they apologized I just can't believe the audacity of people.

Ugh I hate people like that. I would freak out as well. I was in the elevator of my condo with the baby covered in her car seat with a canopy. Old lady came in and began to open the canopy! Like what the ***?!!!! I managed not to kill her but did almost slap her hand away and say she's sleeping.

I don't know what the *** is wrong with people nowadays

Realize all the people doing this are older right? It's the generation. They didn't have these worries we have now. And you may not know this but some of them don't see babies and little ones very often. I'm not saying anyone is overreacting but do understand where these old folk are coming from. My mom works as property manager at an elderly apartment building and I've had to bite my tongue and just let some of them smooch my preemie. She's fine. Heck my one year old smothers the poor girl in slobber kisses and we all know toddlers are walking germs! Just try and understand and maybe come off a little bit more compassionate. I had to tell strangers please don't touch, she's a preemie and her immune system is not as great as that of a full term babe. People respected her space (church was the hardest) but our pastor helped and when announcing her arrival told everyone to mind her space and not touch and no no one can hold her for awhile. Babies are pretty damn resilient though. Again not saying anyone is overreacting after all it is your child not anyone else's.


I don't let people who are recently sick or people I am not close to touch my bqby,,,

Other than that, if it's family I know they have not been sick recently then I don't mind

It's good for the baby to be held by others that way they don't grow up shy

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What to Do if Someone Kisses Your Baby

Source: https://community.whattoexpect.com/forums/june-2017-babies/topic/someone-kissed-my-baby.html

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